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The Benefits of Whole-House Air Cleaners

air cleaner

Modern homes are built to be tightly sealed so that they’re as energy efficient as possible. However, while the tight seals are great for temperature control, they can have an adverse effect on your home’s indoor air quality since air pollutants won’t be naturally filtered out. These pollutants can cause a number of health problems, and many homeowners are growing more concerned about keeping their indoor air quality as healthy as possible.

At Premier Comfort, our Westchester heating & cooling contractors are dedicated to helping each of our clients keep their homes as comfortable and healthy as possible. If you’re interested air cleaners, we can install them in your home, and we can help you keep them in great condition so that your home’s indoor air is always as clean and healthy as possible.

We’ve also compiled a few of the greatest benefits of air cleaners:

Air Cleaners Prevent Some Health Issues

By directing air through a filer, air cleaners will catch potentially harmful airborne pollutants that cause a range of illnesses and are especially harmful to people who suffer from allergies and asthma. When indoor air is sent multiple times through a filter, the machine is able to catch particles both large and small, ultimately purifying the air up to 97% and freeing any members of your household of unsafe contaminants such as:

  • dust
  • pollen
  • bacteria
  • spores
  • viruses

You may need to have an air cleaner installed in your home if anyone in your Westchester home experiences these symptoms:

  • Sneezing
  • Dizziness
  • Allergies
  • Headaches
  • Migraines
  • Flu-Like Symptoms

If any members of your household experience these symptoms on a regular basis, it’s worth having your home’s indoor air quality tested and considering whether you should have an air cleaner installed.

Air Cleaners Can Be Installed Directly to Your HVAC System

Air cleaners have a low-profile design, and they have a very similar appearance to that of regular vents. They can be concealed and installed inconspicuously in any ceiling or wall, so they won’t have an unwanted effect of your Westchester home’s interior design.

They can also be connected directly to your HVAC system, where they’ll be mounted between the air handler and the return duct work. Our professional HVAC contractors will be able to handle every part of your air cleaner installation, and we can guarantee your complete satisfaction with our work.

If you’re looking for air cleaners in Westchester, call Premier Comfort at (914) 359-3519, or complete our online request form.

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